Headlights - UK Pols Concerned about TOO-BRIGHT LED Beams
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2025-01-13 06:31:02 UTC

Labour ministers are urged to urgently crackdown on LED headlights
that dazzle other drivers - after motorists warned the beams on
modern cars are too intense

. . .

Ok, it's a PROBLEM.

LEDs are often not as 'focused' as traditional
filament bulbs either, just because of the way
the light-emitters have to be arranged.

However, regardless, modern headlights are VERY
bright now - LEDs or 'plasma' or whatever.

Issue is - the old designs were NOT remotely bright
enough. Could *barely* see even in good conditions.

OK folks ... the FIX for this has been around since
the late '40s - POLARIZATION FILM.

You put polarizer film on the headlights, and put
polarization film - oppositely oriented - on the
windshield. The film/coating is CHEAP. If you
don't want the windshield 'tint' for some reason
then 'night-time glasses' instead - oughtta cost
maybe five pounds max.

Net result, the DRIVER sees ultra bright lighting
reflected off whatever in the road. OTHER drivers,
due to the windshield, see maybe only half that
much brightness from approaching vehicles. This
FIXES the problem - BOTH needs met.

Since there is a simple and cheap fix, expect
the politicians to do SOMETHING STUPID instead.
Hey, you voted for them ... what's that say ....
2025-01-13 09:57:45 UTC
Post by ***@ud0s4.net
Labour ministers are urged to urgently crackdown on LED headlights
that dazzle other drivers - after motorists warned the beams on
modern cars are too intense
. . .
Ok, it's a PROBLEM.
Sure it's a problem [especially with those monster $60K+ trucks a lot
of Americans are so fond of] but you do know the US at least is about
to enter a new Dark Ages as far as regulating corporations goes. [or do

None of that stuff you're talking about is going to get implemented on
their end and none of your fellow Trump bubbas out there in the
hinterlands are going to shell out $500+ for a windshield/headlights
tint ["...it's CHEAP," my ass] even if they gave a shit about dazzling
other drivers they pass on the highway.
Post by ***@ud0s4.net
LEDs are often not as 'focused' as traditional
filament bulbs either, just because of the way
the light-emitters have to be arranged.
However, regardless, modern headlights are VERY
bright now - LEDs or 'plasma' or whatever.
Issue is - the old designs were NOT remotely bright
enough. Could *barely* see even in good conditions.
OK folks ... the FIX for this has been around since
the late '40s - POLARIZATION FILM.
You put polarizer film on the headlights, and put
polarization film - oppositely oriented - on the
windshield. The film/coating is CHEAP. If you
don't want the windshield 'tint' for some reason
then 'night-time glasses' instead - oughtta cost
maybe five pounds max.
Net result, the DRIVER sees ultra bright lighting
reflected off whatever in the road. OTHER drivers,
due to the windshield, see maybe only half that
much brightness from approaching vehicles. This
FIXES the problem - BOTH needs met.
Since there is a simple and cheap fix, expect
the politicians to do SOMETHING STUPID instead.
Hey, you voted for them ... what's that say ....